Case studies

Case studies

Industries & Services

Driving data analytics and insights to grow membership for a professional services institute

Supporting our client to embed the data analytics, insights, and maturity capabilities needed to underpin the organisation’s ambitious membership transformation strategy.

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Industries & Services

Supporting the Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment with a major digital, data and technology transformation roadmap

Working closely with the institute to prepare for, design, resource and implement an ambitious forward strategy with technology, innovation, and service at its heart.

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Industries & Services

Guiding the Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB) through a major digital transformation

Developing a technology strategy and roadmap to support CIOB’s Corporate Development Plan, support global membership growth and retention, and deliver an excellent digital experience for members and customers.

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Industries & Services

A de-risked, best practice citizen development model for an insurance and financial planning organisation

Applying best practice guidelines to enable citizen development and its benefits within a safe, productive, well governed environment for a major insurance, investment, and financial assurance organisation.

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Industries & Services

Making sure Crossrail plans for passenger Wi-Fi are on the right track

Advising on Wi-Fi network solutions as part of Europe’s largest ever construction project

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Industries & Services

Strategic insight and expert advice on National Grid’s operational telecoms network

Providing advice and support on the modernisation of a network that forms part of the UK’s critical national infrastructure

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