Case studies


Case studies

Industries & Services

Protecting a major retailer’s digital future

Providing board-level advice to address the business’s number one corporate risk: data security

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Industries & Services

Driving IT improvements to support clinical trials

Working to ensure that the company’s IT organisation kept pace with the growth in the business

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Industries & Services

The National Archives IT delivery

Helping to identify ways in which The National Archives’ IT function could help to maintain its world-leading digital status.

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Industries & Services

Supporting a pharmaceutical multinational to improve its IT services and delivery

Supporting process improvements to drive quick and cost-effective delivery of infrastructure to meet business needs

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Industries & Services

Supporting police collaboration through a landmark IT deal

Negotiating a landmark deal for secure regional IT services for four forces in the South East, right from the initial business case.

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Industries & Services

Ensuring better value in Hampshire Constabulary’s managed network services contract

Leading an innovative procurement project to deliver a secure, flexible WAN solution that saves money and increases efficiency when compared with Hampshire Constabulary’s previous targets

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