Case studies

Case studies

Industries & Services

Supporting the Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment with a major digital, data and technology transformation roadmap

Working closely with the institute to prepare for, design, resource and implement an ambitious forward strategy with technology, innovation, and service at its heart.

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Industries & Services

Guiding the Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB) through a major digital transformation

Developing a technology strategy and roadmap to support CIOB’s Corporate Development Plan, support global membership growth and retention, and deliver an excellent digital experience for members and customers.

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Industries & Services

Steering a transformational SD-WAN network upgrade for a UK county policing organisation

Guiding strategy and procurement to upgrade and future proof the organisation’s county-wide IT network.

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Industries & Services

Supporting Northumberland County Council to digitally transform how its customers interact with the Council

Developing a strategy and leading the subsequent market assessment, sourcing, architecture, and programme management for the roll-out of a new cloud contact centre.

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Industries & Services

Planning, managing and implementing an IT transformation programme

Implementing a new service management environment for a prominent provider of individual wealth management, asset management and related services to transform the way it delivers IT services

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Industries & Services

Providing security expertise for a fintech start-up

Providing pragmatic cybersecurity advice to ensure security principles are built into the foundation of a new digital platform

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