Case studies

Case studies

Industries & Services

Equipping NHSX for IT operational and development excellence

Assessing the Service Management and DevOps capability of NHSX

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Industries & Services

Driving value from key IT supplier partnerships

Helping a global healthcare group measure and increase the strategic benefits from its IT partner relationships

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Industries & Services

Leading the delivery of a complex national IT programme for Sainsbury’s

Managing the roll-out of the EPOS platform across 1300+ stores and enabling contactless payment across over 36 000 touch points.

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Industries & Services

Yorkshire Water’s IT Demands

Facilitating change for Yorkshire Water with a new IT operating model, which provided clarity of purpose and improved ways of working

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Industries & Services

Protecting a major retailer’s digital future

Providing board-level advice to address the business’s number one corporate risk: data security

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Industries & Services

Strategic insight and expert advice on National Grid’s operational telecoms network

Providing advice and support on the modernisation of a network that forms part of the UK’s critical national infrastructure

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