Case studies

Case studies

Industries & Services

Acquisition integration support for leading global provider of professional assurance services

Assessing the benefits of full IT integration as part of an acquisition.

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Industries & Services

Providing the Irish Fire Service with support to deliver next-generation incident response systems

Helping consolidate resources, processes and technical solutions to deliver a new, more robust national mobilisation solution

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Industries & Services

Procurement and implementation of a new Command and Control system for North Wales Fire & Rescue

Managing the procurement and implementation of a new command-and-control system

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Industries & Services

Supporting police collaboration through a landmark IT deal

Negotiating a landmark deal for secure regional IT services for four forces in the South East, right from the initial business case.

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Industries & Services

Ensuring better value in Hampshire Constabulary’s managed network services contract

Leading an innovative procurement project to deliver a secure, flexible WAN solution that saves money and increases efficiency when compared with Hampshire Constabulary’s previous targets

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Industries & Services

Piloting and then subsequently implementing a GBP 1.6 million mobile data system

Supporting the specification, sourcing and implementation of a mobile data system for 150 appliances and 75 fire stations

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