Case studies

Case studies

Industries & Services

Supporting Northumberland County Council to digitally transform how its customers interact with the Council

Developing a strategy and leading the subsequent market assessment, sourcing, architecture, and programme management for the roll-out of a new cloud contact centre.

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Industries & Services

Driving value from key IT supplier partnerships

Helping a global healthcare group measure and increase the strategic benefits from its IT partner relationships

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Industries & Services

Giving a government department confidence in its contract through value-for-money reviews

Providing quarterly comparative analysis to monitor the value for money offered by a multi-million-pound government service

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Industries & Services

Protecting a major retailer’s digital future

Providing board-level advice to address the business’s number one corporate risk: data security

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Industries & Services

Piloting and then subsequently implementing a GBP 1.6 million mobile data system

Supporting the specification, sourcing and implementation of a mobile data system for 150 appliances and 75 fire stations

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