Case studies

Case studies

Industries & Services

The University of Manchester

Helping to develop one of the most significant programmes of IT modernisation across higher education in the UK

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Industries & Services

Yorkshire Water’s IT Demands

Facilitating change for Yorkshire Water with a new IT operating model, which provided clarity of purpose and improved ways of working

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Industries & Services

Working with a large enterprise to reduce costs and enhance collaboration

Helping a large corporation identify cost savings and supporting the transformation of enterprise voice services

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Industries & Services

Continuous Improvement for a major Pharmaceutical Group's IT Services

Supporting the IT team in developing, implementing and embedding tools and working practices to drive focus on continuous improvement

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Industries & Services

Making sure Crossrail plans for passenger Wi-Fi are on the right track

Advising on Wi-Fi network solutions as part of Europe’s largest ever construction project

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Industries & Services

Supporting a pharmaceutical multinational to improve its IT services and delivery

Supporting process improvements to drive quick and cost-effective delivery of infrastructure to meet business needs

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