Case studies

Case studies

Industries & Services

Providing the Irish Fire Service with support to deliver next-generation incident response systems

Helping consolidate resources, processes and technical solutions to deliver a new, more robust national mobilisation solution

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Industries & Services

The University of Manchester

Helping to develop one of the most significant programmes of IT modernisation across higher education in the UK

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Industries & Services

Working with a large enterprise to reduce costs and enhance collaboration

Helping a large corporation identify cost savings and supporting the transformation of enterprise voice services

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Industries & Services

Continuous Improvement for a major Pharmaceutical Group's IT Services

Supporting the IT team in developing, implementing and embedding tools and working practices to drive focus on continuous improvement

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Industries & Services

Giving a government department confidence in its contract through value-for-money reviews

Providing quarterly comparative analysis to monitor the value for money offered by a multi-million-pound government service

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Industries & Services

The National Archives IT delivery

Helping to identify ways in which The National Archives’ IT function could help to maintain its world-leading digital status.

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