Case studies


Case studies

Industries & Services

Securing improved end-user services at lower cost for Syngenta

Reducing operational spend on deskside services and service desk provision by more than 40%, also increasing service quality

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Industries & Services

Mapping out the transformation of a major public service IT network

Building a detailed five-year plan for the modernisation of DWP’s IT network services

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Industries & Services

Supplier Performance and Cost

Using service analytics to drive better supplier management and IT decision making

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Industries & Services

Planning, managing and implementing an IT transformation programme

Implementing a new service management environment for a prominent provider of individual wealth management, asset management and related services to transform the way it delivers IT services

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Industries & Services

Providing British Cycling with a roadmap to help deliver its future IT requirements

Giving the newly restructured organisation a clear understanding of its IT challenges

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Industries & Services

Providing security expertise for a fintech start-up

Providing pragmatic cybersecurity advice to ensure security principles are built into the foundation of a new digital platform

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