

Industries & Services

The benefits and pitfalls of merging two organisations’ technologies

Exploring the five pivotal considerations of technology integration when acquiring an organisation to leverage existing technologies and exploit acquired technologies to deliver value.

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Industries & Services

Does data have the power to drive better policing?

Explore the complexities of measuring emergency call handling effectiveness in policing and the role of technology in enhancing service quality.

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Industries & Services

Don’t leave it too late to start the procurement of your next generation WAN service

Next-generation SD-WAN technology is delivering significant advantages within Policing. Opportunities for transformation don’t come often and it may take longer and be more involved than you think – we explore how to prepare for success.

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Industries & Services

Addressing the technology skills shortage in the legal industry

Technology skills in the legal industry are scarce and hard to retain. Mason Advisory can support you in establishing the foundations required to attract and retain the right talent, enhancing your ability to deliver your firm’s desired digital outcomes

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Industries & Services

Major incident management

Control room solutions providing a common operating picture for major incidents to support a better multi-agency response

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Industries & Services

An organic approach to streamlining collaboration tools

Eliminating the confusion in real-time communications and collaboration

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