

Industries & Services

TSAs: The bridge from Day 1 to full separation – Ensuring a safe transition

Learn how Transition Service Agreements (TSAs) ensure business continuity post-merger, mitigate risks, and facilitate a smooth transition to independence.

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Industries & Services

Engine of Change: Transformation Management in Private Equity

The critical role of the transformation management office for investors

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Industries & Services

📘Supply Chains - Technology transformation in supply chains: harnessing the power of digital to solve business-critical challenges

Explore our insight series on sustainability, AI, cybersecurity and the specific challenges across supply chain industries

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Industries & Services

📘Supply Chains Part 1 of 3 - Sustainability in supply chains: trends, impacts, and collaborative solutions

In the first of this three-part series, we explore key sustainability trends in Retail and FMCG supply chains, focusing on the need to drive resilient, eco-friendly operations to remain competitive and deliver long term value.

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Industries & Services

📘Supply Chains Part 2 of 3 - Artificial Intelligence in action: revolutionising supply chain business processes

In second of this three-part series, we examine how Artificial Intelligence (AI) is truly reshaping supply chains. We explore emerging applications and learning from industry leaders who are championing this transformative technology.

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Industries & Services

📘Supply Chains Part 3 of 3 - Safeguarding supply chains: the imperative of cybersecurity

In the last of this three-part article series, we look at how today's rapidly changing digital landscape, with its increased spotlight on global supply chains, has ushered in a new surge of cyber-attacks. We delve into the key cybersecurity concerns facing supply chains and outline effective strategies to address them.

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