

Industries & Services

📕Insight 2 of 3 - Building enterprise-wide operational resilience: the top priorities (plus mistakes to avoid)

Moving from siloed operational resilience to sustainable enterprise resilience requires a holistic approach across strategy, people, process, technology, and the supply chain, writes Kaustubh Ambavanekar.

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Industries & Services

📕Insight 3 of 3 - Establishing end-to-end operational resilience capability is as much about culture as process

When it comes to operational resilience, embedding the right culture across the entire organisational ecosystem is an essential endeavour, as Kaustubh Ambavanekar explains.

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Industries & Services

Scaling digital service to transform healthcare delivery

Embracing standardised DDaT solutions across multiple Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) partners unlocks the advantages of operating at scale. Join us in exploring these prospects and the strategic implementation strategies.

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Industries & Services

📘Supply Chains - Technology transformation in supply chains: harnessing the power of digital to solve business-critical challenges

Explore our insight series on sustainability, AI, cybersecurity and the specific challenges across supply chain industries

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Industries & Services

📘Supply Chains Part 1 of 3 - Sustainability in supply chains: trends, impacts, and collaborative solutions

In the first of this three-part series, we explore key sustainability trends in Retail and FMCG supply chains, focusing on the need to drive resilient, eco-friendly operations to remain competitive and deliver long term value.

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Industries & Services

📘Supply Chains Part 2 of 3 - Artificial Intelligence in action: revolutionising supply chain business processes

In second of this three-part series, we examine how Artificial Intelligence (AI) is truly reshaping supply chains. We explore emerging applications and learning from industry leaders who are championing this transformative technology.

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