

Industries & Services

TSAs: The bridge from Day 1 to full separation – Ensuring a safe transition

Learn how Transition Service Agreements (TSAs) ensure business continuity post-merger, mitigate risks, and facilitate a smooth transition to independence.

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Industries & Services

Transitional Service Agreements – a necessary evil

What are TSAs and why are they are a critical component in the M&A toolbox?

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Industries & Services

Creating a compelling technology value proposition pre-sale

Showcasing the real value of your technology assets to enhance the market value of the business in preparation for its sale

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Industries & Services

Engine of Change: Transformation Management in Private Equity

The critical role of the transformation management office for investors

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Industries & Services

Strategic Technology Planning for Post-acquisition Value Creation

For private equity backed firms, strategic technology planning means transforming systems into strategic assets that unlock value and propel the investment forward

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Industries & Services

Digital Transformation Readiness

A Critical Component of Due Diligence in Private Equity Acquisitions

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