

Industries & Services

Transitional Service Agreements – a necessary evil

What are TSAs and why are they are a critical component in the M&A toolbox?

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Industries & Services

Engine of Change: Transformation Management in Private Equity

The critical role of the transformation management office for investors

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Industries & Services

Rewriting the rules for Digital

Digital teams often struggle to define their scope and establish effective rules of engagement. However, taking these steps early can prevent regrettable compromises and accelerate digital success.

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Industries & Services

Digital Transformation Readiness

A Critical Component of Due Diligence in Private Equity Acquisitions

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Industries & Services

đź“•Is your firm ready for the UK financial sector operational resilience regulatory requirement?

Are you able to demonstrate that your firm’s important business services can operate within their impact tolerance levels consistently? Find out how we can help you.

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Industries & Services

đź“•Insight 1 of 3 - The right resilience roadmap starts with the right questions

Operational resilience in financial services, why this should be an enterprise-wide concern, not simply IT’s remit.

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