

Industries & Services

Creating a compelling technology value proposition pre-sale

Showcasing the real value of your technology assets to enhance the market value of the business in preparation for its sale

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Industries & Services

Engine of Change: Transformation Management in Private Equity

The critical role of the transformation management office for investors

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Industries & Services

Strategic Technology Planning for Post-acquisition Value Creation

For private equity backed firms, strategic technology planning means transforming systems into strategic assets that unlock value and propel the investment forward

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Industries & Services

Digital Transformation Readiness

A Critical Component of Due Diligence in Private Equity Acquisitions

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Industries & Services

The benefits and pitfalls of merging two organisations’ technologies

Exploring the five pivotal considerations of technology integration when acquiring an organisation to leverage existing technologies and exploit acquired technologies to deliver value.

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Industries & Services

Does data have the power to drive better policing?

Explore the complexities of measuring emergency call handling effectiveness in policing and the role of technology in enhancing service quality.

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