

Industries & Services

Does data have the power to drive better policing?

Explore the complexities of measuring emergency call handling effectiveness in policing and the role of technology in enhancing service quality.

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Industries & Services

Scaling digital service to transform healthcare delivery

Embracing standardised DDaT solutions across multiple Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) partners unlocks the advantages of operating at scale. Join us in exploring these prospects and the strategic implementation strategies.

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Industries & Services

đź“—Transformation Tipping Points: Uncovering how digital transformation drives growth in Insurance and Financial Services

Explore our insight series on sustainability, AI, cybersecurity and the specific challenges across supply chain industries

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Industries & Services

đź“—Part 2 of 3 - Driving insurance growth: Technology's impact on digital transformation

In the second insight on digital transformation in the insurance industry, we build on the challenges and opportunities defined previously, and start to focus on what this means from a technology perspective.

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Industries & Services

Software as a service

Understanding your options

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