

Industries & Services

What is an IT Service? The 7 categories

This is the second in a series of three Service Management articles - Understanding how to identify a genuine IT Service and the different types, is critical in being able to provide value to customers.

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Industries & Services

Taking back control of Shadow IT

How bringing Shadow IT functions back into the core controls and service of the IT organisation offers benefits that extend across the whole organisation.

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Industries & Services

Applying lean-agile approaches to Infrastructure Delivery Transformation

Applying a lean-agile management approach to Infrastructure enablement has become an essential part of the digital transformation strategy for organisations who are considering the adoption of a ‘Product-Centric’ delivery model.

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Industries & Services

Enterprise Architecture in a Brave New World

Right now, enterprise architecture is at the heart of shaping our new digital world. How your customers engage with your digital business will be largely determined by the architectural foundations you build upon.

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Industries & Services

Has the time for location independent working finally arrived?

The modern business world now has an abundance of technology to support location independent working; We take for granted the ability to have facetime video calls at nearly no cost.

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Industries & Services

Joining the dots

Using value chain mapping to understand the links between IT and the business

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