Case studies

Case studies

Industries & Services

Making sure Crossrail plans for passenger Wi-Fi are on the right track

Advising on Wi-Fi network solutions as part of Europe’s largest ever construction project

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Industries & Services

Driving IT improvements to support clinical trials

Working to ensure that the company’s IT organisation kept pace with the growth in the business

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Industries & Services

The National Archives IT delivery

Helping to identify ways in which The National Archives’ IT function could help to maintain its world-leading digital status.

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Industries & Services

Supporting a pharmaceutical multinational to improve its IT services and delivery

Supporting process improvements to drive quick and cost-effective delivery of infrastructure to meet business needs

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Industries & Services

Piloting and then subsequently implementing a GBP 1.6 million mobile data system

Supporting the specification, sourcing and implementation of a mobile data system for 150 appliances and 75 fire stations

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Industries & Services

Strategic insight and expert advice on National Grid’s operational telecoms network

Providing advice and support on the modernisation of a network that forms part of the UK’s critical national infrastructure

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